Little Known Ways to Make Your Creativity Flow Naturally
One is destined to come across obstacles in their creative pursuit. One of the most effective approaches that I have been using to battle creative resistance is by shifting my focus from the outside to the inside. In this article, I share with you little ways that feel much more obvious once you read here and you definitely would not feel indifferent.
Practicing consciousness allows you to tap into creative power.
Creative people (we are a fan of) periodically go for a vacation to relax, unwind, or recharge their creative batteries, all the time. Doing so provides them enough leverage to shift their focus to get rid of the resistance in hearing one’s true self, embracing the essence of the creative process, allowing attention to flow in the right direction.
Have you ever wondered about a writer going through writer’s block, and how she gets over it, how one-day ideas start to pour like water coming out of a tap? What happened? Did she get access to a treasure that wasn’t accessible earlier? Or someone dropped a bag full of ideas in the center of her brain — let's just assume that’s the place where ideas come from?
Art does not have to be rocket science, it should be your natural expression which is unique already because nobody has your perspective.
I believe a simple approach to art comprises the following practices that you can emulate when facing hindrances while delivering your art.
Getting to Work- While there are skills essential to any type of creative process. One of them is the act of sitting down and getting into the practice itself. You must be in love with what you are doing. You have to be wanting to make art happen — whatever type of art you choose. And allow yourself to be the vehicle through which creativity pours into the realm of physical manifestation.
Magnetic Mind Shift- when you pursue something your mind becomes attuned to anything related to it, you start to pinpoint similarities in your surroundings. Your mind performs an auto-search function for relevant information occasionally to provide you reference for your interest. That’s how suddenly you find more yellow-colored cars in your area since you bought one for yourself- basically, your mind is targeted towards yellow color.
Mental Noise Cancellation- This subconscious attention is also important for art to happen in the most unlikely of situations. A busy mind with thoughts is the biggest resistance to creativity. So for the process of creating something new, unique, or satisfying you must be willing to calm down first, reduce if not cancel the mental noise to warm up for a dive deeper into a state of flow. It also means you became mindful of your practice — which essentially is not an absence of thoughts but a conscious engagement with thoughts.
Solitude- Most art happens in solitude away from the noise, with the least possible mental clutter. You won’t be enjoying the process of writing something for instance when you have a to-do list on your mind ranging from doing the dishes to planning for what to say at your kid’s birthday party next week. If you are being bothered by other things and people the quality of your art would suffer.
Creative Filter- You need to put a barrier between the outer world and your inner realm of creativity. This barrier is not a blockage but a filter that allows you to focus and tap into only what you require in your creative work, allowing you the freedom to hold the insanity of the world temporarily. With this filter, you let in only what you need for your creative endeavors and the rest can wait.
Not doing anything sometimes is essential for doing great things at other times.
You can implement the same approach to any other activity or task at hand, it would only increase your efficiency and quality of work done. As you practice more, most of what I have mentioned above comes naturally to you. This is the beauty of art, you welcome it with an open heart and it will flow through you joyously. The more you honor it, the more it honors you.
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Simple, authentic, and actionable read to design your life on your terms, (nothing woo-woo)