These 4 Personality Traits Are the Code Behind All the Success in the World

A Blueprint for Self-Transformation

4 min readOct 3, 2021

Throughout history, humans have defied all odds, leaped from the depths of despair into the skies of hope and glory. All because we have the potential to achieve what we set ourselves up to.

Human potential is a latent superpower. Once awakened it can turn into greatness but if put to slumber, makes men destined to meet despair.

Image Credits: Elevate on Unsplash

Everyone’s perception of success is different, rather personal. Some find success in becoming an expert in their field, others enjoy success in raising a loving family, some travel the world to feel triumphant, others devote their lives for the good of humanity. Whatever success means to you, it can be defined as the attainment of one’s purpose for life.

While success is relative, its attainment is absolute. The human mind requires the same set of skills to navigate any successful journey. No matter what your destiny is, when, and how you start walking on your path to purpose, the following personality traits are sure to help you navigate through the thick and thin and persist when required.

1. Self-Awareness

Success can be illusory if you are not aware of your values and beliefs. Society, family, and friends influence most of our decisions. That’s how people build empires only to feel the void of dissatisfaction in their hearts. They chase glory in a particular form only to receive validation and feel important, without fulfillment.

If you don’t build your dream someone will hire you to help build theirs.

— Tony Gaskins

Become aware of your motivations, look inside, explore what makes you feel genuine and aligns with your values. Chase it and if somehow you find out that it does not feel like your thing, you don’t have to seek someone’s permission to change your plan. But once you are aware of your purpose, don’t give up.

Be like water when you are finding your path, but a mountain once you have found one.

Remember many paths lead to the same destination. Write your own story, instead of acting on someone else’s script. Living a conscious life is the ultimate advantage.

2. Seeking Discomfort

We all at some point in our lives hide from our fears, seeking comfort in conforming to others. That’s how we limit ourselves. One of the difficult things in the world is convincing yourself to do something you don’t want, but one of them is stopping you from getting what you want, once you make the decision.

Comfort Zone is your dormant state. Inside the comfort zone, there is security, acceptance, and ease. It’s only when you embrace discomfort, you face your fears. Fear is nothing but an illusion of failure, it is suffering twice, one while thinking of not achieving your goal and then actually living a life without accomplishing it. A Comfort zone is a self-imposed prison sentence. Only you can decide when to release yourself from fear.

All the success in the world is based on courage. Courage to dare to do the unprecedented, go against the narrative of the society, and continue to act while facing resistance.

Success is always outside the comfort zone. And fear is the boundary wall of every comfort zone. The key is not to leave your comfort zone but to expand it enough to reach your goal.

3. Self-Discipline

How many people do you know are successful and do not practice self-discipline? No one.

Because self-discipline is the only shortcut to either building yourself as a person or doing something meaningful for others. Self-discipline is the ability to do the right thing at the right time. It’s how you regulate your emotions, thoughts, and behavior in front of temptations and impulses. This control is essential to doing the work when it’s needed to be done.

Anyone in the modern world wanting to become productive is looking for techniques to discipline themselves. Because productivity itself is self-discipline.

As Jim Rohn said, “Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment”, focus on building a strong bridge, that can bear any burden and harsh weather to lead you to your goals.

4. Growth Mindset

We all can identify someone whose life revolves around the idea that they can’t achieve greatness, they are what they are, and can’t do anything about it. They happened to believe it and by doing so consistently mold their realities in the same direction a fixed mindset leads to.

It’s called the self-fulfilling prophecy. What you think is manifested in your actions and actions determine results. If you operate on the mindset of a person who has given up on their abilities to transform their life, you wouldn’t be willing to act to change your reality and this inaction in itself is the reason for no positive outcomes.

The fact is that they give up their will to change, to try. As some said:

“Neglect your powers long enough and you’ll eventually believe you don’t have any.”

No matter what your circumstances are, how unjustified your life has been, victimhood would keep you a prisoner to your circumstance, unless you cultivate a growth mindset, decide to take control of your life back in your hands. You may not have any control over your life situation but you have control over how you react. Own the life you have, to create the life you want. Acceptance that elevates is the first step to transformation.

With a growth mindset, your mind engages to look for solutions, filter information to your advantage, and perceive your surrounding with heightened focus to any opportunity in disguise. And this is exactly what you need to come out of any situation.

A growth mindset is your ticket out of passive life and into the dream life.

All these are traits to be practiced for life in every aspect not just to pursue a single goal. In another sense, you actually build yourself by practicing these skills.




Written by Aqsa

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